lot like
midwife grad, student nurse,
love food and interior design, lover of beauty and perfection

find me on
tumblr. instagram. pinterest

03.10 04.10 05.10 06.10 07.10 08.10 09.10 10.10 11.10 12.10 01.11 02.11 03.11 04.11 06.11 07.11 08.11 09.11 10.11 11.11 12.11 01.12 02.12 04.12 05.12 06.12 08.12 09.12 10.12 11.12 12.12 01.13 02.13 04.13 05.13 11.13 01.14 07.14 04.15

sandrajuto. u n g t b l o d.
Brinja. Lisen Adbåge Blog. Anna Emilia. jennan mieli. from lina. A Beautiful Mess. HEARBLACK. Jane Reaction. Hither and Thither. A CUP OF JO. bigBANG studio. My Scandinavian Retreat. rockstar diaries. Cannelle et Vanille. smitten kitchen. My New Roots. Sprouted Kitchen.

Initial layout by nineofthirteen


What a wonderful world - indeed.



"A lot of thought goes into a comfort food - usually the secret ingredient is love and a little time, a dash of patience with just the right amount of grace and restraint. You stick to your intuition and stay within the boundaries and with the right hint of salt, you find that soothing balance that lingers in hearts for years to come." 

(picture + words via 1-2 simple cooking)

I love eating. I love cooking. I love grocery shopping. I love filling my fridge with fresh vegetables, fancy cheeses and meats, whole milk, Greek yoghurt and fresh eggs. These things are probably the highlight of my day. And it doesn't end there... After I usually make myself some tea, grab a cookie or two or three, find myself a comfy spot with a blanket and my ipad to browse through Pinterest, Bloglovin and the WWW for inspiration and new recipes.

I recently saw this TED talk about being a weekday vegetarian. The idea is not to eat any meat on weekdays. This is a less extreme way to become a vegetarian instead of all or nothing. Like he says in the video... Can you imagine eating your last steak ever!? I like meat, but I don't need it. It's definitely food for thought. You know your eco footprint, etc. There are so many great recipes with meat. Now I'll just keep them for the weekends. 

Watch the TED talk here.

I have been following many blogs the past weeks and have been thinking if I should get to it again or not. Great food, beautiful interiors, heart warming families, inspiration and overall great photography. I still love sharing through Pinterest and Instagram, but I lost my DSLR charger... So I usually take pictures with my ipad. These are great for memories (and instagram acceptable), but terribly embarrassing for blogging. Oh and my macbook broke down. It was kind of heartbreaking. So maybe soon I will recover from this loss and find my charger so I can post a bit more in this abandoned place of mine

In the meantime some blogs that have been high on my reading list:

A Cup of Joe - always good

1-2 simple cooking blog - a new discovery
Brinja - love her personal style
C. Jane Kendrick - I love how she writes (her birth stories are beautiful)

Hither and Thither - definitely a favourite
Lang Photographers
Love Taza
Mrs. Lilien - also a new discovery
My New Roots
Soulemama - makes me want to grow everything and live a simple and beautiful life
Sprouted Kitchen
from lina
my scandinavian home
nienie dialogues
reading my tea leaves
smitten kitchen - great recipes, her cookbook is awesome

P.S. How is it possible I had never heard of Bloglovin until now?! What a time saver!



Midwifery team Shisong

Happy New Year!

I've been nowhere and everywhere the past months. Let's just say the past year. I spent most of the year preparing for Cameroon and then the last three months actually being in Cameroon. While I was there I kept a blog, but mostly for school purposes. I wrote a lot, but it was all in Dutch and after writing a whole post I didn't really feel like writing again in English, you know?

I've been wanting to post pictures. But since being back (four weeks) I've only gone through the pictures once, and that was yesterday. All the pictures put a big smile on my face. I learned a lot being there. A lot about midwifery, a lot about people and a lot about myself. I was happy and sad at the same time to leave that special place and being back is still kind of strange. Cameroon brought out a different side of me. I kind of like(d) who I was there.

I'm not sure if I'll post anymore pictures of Cameroon. Just this one for the time being. This one puts the biggest smile on my face. It's a picture of (most of) the midwives of the maternity ward of the hospital I worked at. Working there wasn't always easy, but we had good times.










Part 2







To document (verb) a fact, event, or other thing - is to record or annotate it, meaning to put it into some relatively permanent form so that it can be retrieved later. 

part 1



De lekkerste snoepjes!! #Brussel #nomnom


Sushiii! #nomnom

Do you have instagram? I love it. The square frame and easy editing options make every random daily picture that little bit more special! My new "camera" is compact and with me all the time. The bf calls it the other love of my life...

Instagram: britcardott 





We went to the Canary islands during Easter break, more precisely Lanzarote. It was absolutely beautiful and the weather was perfect. It was nice to get away from the cold snowy weather in Belgium. Will be posting more photos soon!

Totally off topic, but I was wondering... Is there anybody still following this little 'not so much updated anymore' blog of mine?






1,5 weeks into my internship and I'm finally getting the hang of it. It feels like I finally can do what I want and that the midwives trust me enough to do everything by myself. Sadly not a whole lot of deliveries. I saw one a few days ago... But haven't gotten the chance to guide/do one by myself. I'm hoping for tons of babies and lot's of learning experiences!

I've been sleeping in this little room and tried to make it feel a bit more home -y! Plants, candles, mood light... It's starting to feel like "my place".

Halfway in the week... But nonetheless... Have a good one!


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