Happy New Year!
I've been nowhere and everywhere the past months. Let's just say the past year. I spent most of the year preparing for Cameroon and then the last three months actually being in Cameroon. While I was there I kept a blog, but mostly for school purposes. I wrote a lot, but it was all in Dutch and after writing a whole post I didn't really feel like writing again in English, you know?
I've been wanting to post pictures. But since being back (four weeks) I've only gone through the pictures once, and that was yesterday. All the pictures put a big smile on my face. I learned a lot being there. A lot about midwifery, a lot about people and a lot about myself. I was happy and sad at the same time to leave that special place and being back is still kind of strange. Cameroon brought out a different side of me. I kind of like(d) who I was there.
I'm not sure if I'll post anymore pictures of Cameroon. Just this one for the time being. This one puts the biggest smile on my face. It's a picture of (most of) the midwives of the maternity ward of the hospital I worked at. Working there wasn't always easy, but we had good times.